Monday, January 16, 2012

New Week - New Bonus

I just wanted to thank everyone for participating. I know that I have seen my life improving greatly even over just a week. This last week I have been doing things in my life that I haven't done for years. From making those simple adjustments I feel renewed, refreshed and ALIVE! Let us all make goals this week to accomplish things that we didn't last week. Try to get a point in each section and I promise you will be happier, I PROMISE!

I have had many people give insight about making working out worth more points.

So for Monday & Tuesday only, I have a bonus:

If you work out Today & Tomorrow and feel that you have REALLY pushed yourself to the point of raising your heart rate and being out of breath. Then you get 2 additional points for every 30 min. of that intense work out.

Remember the spirit of this challenge. That it is to make you a more rounded and balanced individual. Good Luck and I hope that you can accomplish GREAT THINGS today!!


  1. I'm getting into this challenge and liking the improvement. Thank you for setting it up. I surprised myself when I was up by 5 am lifting weights this morning.

    I would love an option to set my own personal goal and earn a bonus point. Where I need to improve is either not eating bites of my kid's food, or getting my workout in by 9 am. It's amazing how earning a point has motivated me.

    1. Thank you for commenting. That is a great idea. I will use that suggestion.
