Sunday, January 29, 2012

End of Week 3

Good Job Everyone on their numbers for Week 3. Everyone is doing so well and improving.

Kristy - 561

Cory - 418

Cassie - 401

Monica - 394

Trisha - 357

Kath - 354

Audrey - 353

Januari - 330

David - 303

Natalie - 291

Jessica - 267

Andrea - 220

Court - 211

John - 207

Marcie - 173

MK - 167

Tara - 153

Heather - 77

Phil - 65

Mike - 0

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Here we go onto Week 3!

Hello one and ALL! I hope that you are all well and that you have now noticed some type of healthier and happier change in your life. I am going to give out a challenge to you all and that is to evaluate your life and see an item or two that you struggle with daily. For example one of the many things that I struggle with is waking up early. What I am going to try to do better this week is to get my workout and spiritual study done before my kids wake up. So then I will have more time to play with my kids.
The Bonus is going to be for Wednesday, Thursday & Friday. Find an item that you really want to improve on then set a goal and get a plan to set it in motion. The way the points work is simple. So if you accomplish your goal just Wednesday you get 1 point. If you do it Wednesday & Thursday you get 2 points on Thursday. Finally if you do it Wednesday, Thursday & Friday you get 3 points on Friday. So if you stick with your goal you could end up with 6 bonus points from this challenge. Good Luck and have fun!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Totals for Week 2

I learned a valuable lesson this week. I am a highly competitive person and I was bound and determined to win this challenge. So Monday I worked hard and FOCUSED on the points. And only the POINTS. Trying to earn as many as I could. But in doing so I lost track of things that mattered most. I lost the true spirit of this Challenge. As I sat down at the end of my VERY exhausting day and reflected on what I had accomplished. I realized that there is a correct amount of points for me to earn to make myself a Better Me. That if I am conquering all the items on the challenge and hitting that correct and realistic goal I have set for my daily points. Also keeping up with my other responsibilities(home, kids, work) then I am a happier and more well rounded individual. This challenge has been very good for me. Just like yesterday with the Bonus of accomplishing at least one item in every section. It has helped to me accomplish all the tasks that I should be doing in my daily life. Which helps me to be a happier, healthier and more generous person. I find myself thinking and praying every morning that I will be able to help and serve someone that day. I am focusing not on myself but others.
So the bonus today is if your points were HONESTLY better than last week. Then you get 2 extra points. And when I say honestly I mean, with you increasing your points and working harder on becoming a Better ME. Did you accomplish that!?! Were you a Better person this week, than last? I can say other than Monday I was. Which I am very excited about. And now I know that too much of a good thing can canker my life. I know what my breaking point is and what my personal goal is now. In which I will try to hit that number everyday instead of trying to accumulate as many points as possible.
Yes, this is a challenge and a competition but don't lose sight of all the great things that you have accomplished these last 2 weeks. I have heard great stories of people losing weight when they other wise weren't motivated to do before. Of people giving of their precious time in service and being uplifted and on a high afterwards. Individuals reading and learning more than they would have in the past. I have read 3 books already this year. I normally don't read 3 books in the whole entire year.
I just want to thank everyone for participating and to let you all know I am so Happy of all the Great and Hard things you are accomplishing. Good Luck this next week. Please feel free to share experiences or comments that you have by doing this challenge.

Kristy - 376
Monica - 281
Cory - 265
Cassie - 244
Audrey - 233
Januari - 216
Trisha - 208
Court - 198
Natalie - 195
David - 191
Marcie - 173
Jessica - 164
Tara - 153
Kath - 147
Andrea - 141
MK - 118
Heather - 77
Phil - 65
John - 30
Mike - 0

Saturday, January 21, 2012

End of 2nd week & Bonus

Welcome all to the End of the 2nd Week. I have heard a lot of people comment on how this Challenge has helped them in different aspects of their lives and I am so happy for all of you.
Today's Bonus:
If you accomplish at least one task in each section of the challenge today you get 2 bonus points. That means if you drink at least 32oz. of water today, 30 min. of exercise, no soda, no junk food, 1 fruit and 1 veggie, morning & evening prayer, 15 min. of spiritual study, 30 min. of reading or studying and 1 act of Service then you will get the bonus. Good Luck and I hope that all of you can accomplish this bonus today.

Monday, January 16, 2012

New Week - New Bonus

I just wanted to thank everyone for participating. I know that I have seen my life improving greatly even over just a week. This last week I have been doing things in my life that I haven't done for years. From making those simple adjustments I feel renewed, refreshed and ALIVE! Let us all make goals this week to accomplish things that we didn't last week. Try to get a point in each section and I promise you will be happier, I PROMISE!

I have had many people give insight about making working out worth more points.

So for Monday & Tuesday only, I have a bonus:

If you work out Today & Tomorrow and feel that you have REALLY pushed yourself to the point of raising your heart rate and being out of breath. Then you get 2 additional points for every 30 min. of that intense work out.

Remember the spirit of this challenge. That it is to make you a more rounded and balanced individual. Good Luck and I hope that you can accomplish GREAT THINGS today!!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Week 1

Kristy - 158

Monica - 117

Audrey - 112

Kath - 105

Cassie - 93

Januari - 90

Trisha - 86

David - 85

Marcie - 84

Natalie - 82

Heather - 77

MK - 75

Tara - 74

Jess - 74

Cory - 69

Jessica - 65

Andrea - 59

Courtney - 43

Phil - 30

John - 0

Ryan - 0

Mindy - 0

Mike - 0

Melissa- 0

Friday, January 13, 2012


One of the participants said to me today, "Thanks for doing has been such a great motivator for me. I have worked out everyday this week and I feel so much Better!"

I have heard so many positive things about what people are accomplishing with this challenge and it makes me SO Happy! Keep up the good work. Remember if you haven't already sent your numbers, please get me your numbers Saturday night so I can get everything posted on Sunday Morning.

Day 5

YOU can do Hard Things!!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Point Tracker

My Friend Courtney that is doing the Challenge with us has created a Tracking Sheet to help keep track of your points for the day. Print it off and start earning those points.

Day 3

Welcome all to Day 3!!

I hope that you all are doing well in your goals and accomplishing tasks you normally wouldn't have because of this challenge. I know I have, it has brought a little peace to my chaotic life. I have also noticed that as I have reached out to give Service to those around me I smile more and have been on a high afterwards.

So I would love to hear from you as well. If you have an experience that you would like to share from something you have noticed from your efforts of this challenge please add a comment, email me or text me and I will post it.

**Memo on Pounds Lost. The way that we are going to track this is you weigh in on Day 1 and weigh out on Day 30. You will add all those points to your Grand Total. It will be exciting because it will change the score board a lot.**


Seek the lofty by reading, hearing and seeing great work at some moment every day.
-Thornton Wilder

For Today ONLY!! BONUS POINTS!! You will get 2 points today if you follow the example of the quote today.


  1. Go See a Museum, Play or Performance.

  2. Have a Meaningful, Heartfelt Conversation with a loved one and Listen to them.

Monday, January 9, 2012

AND it Begins - Day1

Here we are Day 1 of the Challenge and I am truly excited.

The 1st 30 day challenge will run from Jan. 9th to Feb. 7th and then I will tally all the points on the 8th and give out the $$ to the TOP 3.

"As we reflect on the value of resolving to do better, let us determine to discipline ourselves to carefully select the resolutions we make, to consider the purpose for making them, and finally to make commitments for keeping them and not letting any obstacle stop us. Let us remind ourselves at the beginning of each day that we can keep a resolution just for that day."
- President N. Eldon Tanner

Saturday, January 7, 2012

1 more DAY

Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.

-- Jim Ryun

Just a reminder we are Starting Monday the 9th, 2012.

A few housekeeping items:

  • There are NO points for challenges that aren't fully completed. NO half points.

  • Good Luck, Have Fun & I hope I beat you ALL!?!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Without inspiration the best powers of the mind remain dormant. There is a fuel in us which needs to be ignited with sparks.

Johann Gottfried Von Herder


We all have our Strengths and our Weaknesses. Why not be praised for our Strengths and make our Weak things STRONG? So here is a New Years Challenge, to become a BETTER ME(you). Here is how it works, it is point based and you get a point for each item that you complete during the day. These items can be completed multiple times a day thus earning you more points. The persons with the most points are the WINNERS!!! This is a fun and exciting challenge that is all about being a healthier happier person in 2012, so DO YOUR BEST!

Cost: $10 each month with a two month minimum

Prizes: All money is entered in the pot and there will be 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners each month. Top three point holders win the cash, the health, the spirituality and the intellect.

Daily Challenges:

  • 1 pt for every 32 oz. of water that is drank

  • 1 pt for every 30 min workout

  • 1 pt for morning and evening prayer (no points earned if you only get one prayer in)

  • 1 pt for each pound lost in the month

  • 1 pt for every 15 minutes of spiritual study (this cannot be combined with reading below)

  • 1 pt for every 30 minutes of reading or study (any subject) * Audio Books are only worth an 1/4 of the points. (every 2 hours of actual listening = 1 point)

  • 1 pt for not drinking soda, yes even diet

  • 1 pt for not eating junk food (chips, sweets, you know the stuff that isn't good for you)

  • 1 pt for every serving of fruits or Veggies

  • 1 pt for any service rendered to someone in need. (you be the judge)

The rules are simple and on your honor:

  1. You cannot count points for items that you would normally do for your job. (if you are a personal trainer you cannot count the points for your workout or service rendered)

  2. No points for working out on Sunday

  3. Church does not count for spiritual study

  4. Text Monica (801) 380-6442 or email me your points each day or the latest by Saturday morning and they will be posted to the blog each week on Sunday.

  5. Have your money turned in within the week of you starting the Challenge in order to be able to participate.

  6. This is on your honor so NO CHEATING!!!

  7. This is about being better and happier so have fun.